14 Jan 2010

Zombie's new turn

Moving on in life, the idea of being a model has suppressed for a while, was concentrating in learning the SPA treatments, dint study, but I was in charge of typing notes for students therefore was easy for me to learn and understand things all by me and my colleagues were really happy about my work and interest in upbringing the school. Here I was improving my inner qualities, like working in a hospitality industry, cleanliness, hygiene, punctuality, organizing the admin set up, dealing with different departments, fees, billing etc etc… looks like the list never ends…
All this was going on well and also kept my life so busy. All the time I was thinking about improving the school in its best way; discussing about my work with friends and colleagues. This actually gave me very little time for my personal life. I could not call Nitin as often as I used to or my parents too. He was upset about it, but I just had explanation and nothing much. There was a gap that started building up, but I never took it that serious. I always thought no matter what we will be together. I believed that I have made a emotional connection with him and not just the outer pleasure. But he could not understand what I was talking about. He really behaved so immature, by complaining about my over times at office, no time for him when he wants to come home, friends not being allowed at my home etc.. That he used to do when I used to live in Begum pet. I tried to handle the situation but could never convince him. He assumed that I had an affair may be therefore I was avoiding him, perhaps! Yes, this was upsetting, no solution at this point in time. Sometimes I cried and sometimes ignored but I never felt depressed this time. Some how I felt, this is all a love life is; happier in the beginning and ok after few months or a year. But, “to not give up” quality in me keeps me going.
With all the happy staff around I found a nice friend at Ista, his name is Yudishthir Singh Rathod, very patient and understanding. We met during the Annual day meetings at Ista and somehow we clicked to be really good friends. I hardly make friends who are close to me and when some is then there is something really interesting about the person that gets me closer to him or her. For sometime I was thinking about this friendship, is it true or not? But it was a true friendship. He came to me whenever I needed his help, whenever he felt I was lonely, I needed some compassion and never let me down. Sometimes when I had bad days at work he used to explain how things work in a hospitality industry, how the hierarchy is, how I should react or reply etc. This helped me so much in working better there! Finally we set the annual day on fire, full on fun, dance, drama, fashion show my god what not? It was a rocking evening with a closing party. Dj was organized and we had a great bash. After all this we get back to work, in like a month or so, Yudi got a transfer letter. I was really not ready to loose a friend and at the same time his marriage proposal too. After years of living alone (3 yrs by now) found a really good friend, but was loosing him. I felt handicapped at work, now there was no one for me to share my feelings and discuss about work. How much I was used to sharing my ideas to yudi and taking his suggestion before doing it? Now I had none but myself. We had a feeling of missing each other so much, therefore spent as much time as possible with each other. He was not only helping me professionally but also personally, he always used to tell me to get back to family, get married, be patient, etc. My mom liked him too; she used to always ask for him when she called me, he kind of connected to my mom so well, when she visited Hyderabad for diwali. Before he left, he knew everything about me and my family, so he knew where I was wrong and how I could rectify. But what’s the use, before he could help me solve the biggest problem in my life he is already preparing to go. It was really sad that he was going, everyone at work knew that we were really good friends including his boss and mine, infact some colleagues thought that we were having an affair too, but there was no time for an affair and we were clear about each others lives. He always kept telling me to settle with nitin as soon as possible, knowing that nitin doesn’t work and can get mislead anytime, he thought may be after marrying me he will be ok, but it was me who did not want to take the risk.
We went to watch a movie the day before he was leaving, and then got our portrait pictured from the mall, it was rainy and we enjoyed the rain too. Oh! It was such a fun filled day. It was really long that I enjoyed with any friend so much, just felt like a school girl who has her best friend always you see.
Anyways, finally he left one day. Such a disappointment it was. I did cry too. I dint believe myself that I was crying like a kid sitting at my desk. Now here comes Milind Salunke. He admires me for what I am, always; no he was not a colleague but a student. He was a Ayurvedic Doctor by profession but was interested in SPA therapies therefore joined our school. My god, he was such an irritating character I must say. Till when he joined our school he almost killed us by his phone calls for enquires and I was the unfortunate ones to deal with him. He always thanked me for the assistance, but also observed me closely after joining the school. When Yudi left Ista and I was almost lone, he kept me engaged. He is funny but irritating. He was our first student, so always has some exceptional reason to come to Admin office and talk to me.

Ok, some more, some other time, cheers!


  1. i dont think it wise to write real names on blogs

  2. Most often i dont, but i sometimes when i write its just the thought flow that i cant stop.. anyways thank you for your feedback
