22 Sept 2018

My doubt!!!

Is your daughter or son, a doctor, engineer or a lawyer? Are you happy about it? Are you making enough money and living out of the earnings? Are you sure you got them living their comfortable life? They are no more a burden or a hassle? But have you thought if they were serving right?

A stint with a group this evening in a small place called 4S- Chinese and Thai Restaurant, this evening, I countered a few young would be journalist/lawyers and I came across this young man mostly in his late twenties who went to the counter and played some Punjabi song, and I reluctantly insisted the manager to play a universal number as I  was little overwhelmed with Punjabi songs being a south Indian. He managed to get the number whilst my forgiveness to the young gentleman. However, he in his zest of enquiry asked me if that was universal enough? I replied humbly that it was universal enough for everyone in the house to enjoy the music and explained why Punjabi songs are overwhelming? His retort was- you Davidians should be separated?
Wow! I felt… Someone did mention Dravidians, and someone did talk about separation?
My immediate thought was perhaps to educate him about the efforts we Dravidians put to reach to the capital in the zest that we will contribute to the country however futile an effort and he went on to lie that I had slapped him and abused him during the argument?!
However strange that he also mentioned the long-standing bar tender to be Malayali and that he is a bar tender because he is incapable, in his zeal he forgets that he was there for more than a decade (14 yrs).
My question to you dear family and friends (NEWS) is if we are so different then what unites us? And if we are united why can’t we teach the same to our kids and coming generations? What is holding us back? Why I had to shed tears looking at this next gen journalist or lawyers, they lied right on face and in confident manner that I abused and physically misbehaved someone, while no one agreed but no one disagreed either!!! Did I come to The NATION’s CAPITAL for this? This humiliation and ill-treatment? Did I come here to be called dark and shabby? Does my skin or my labor determine who I am or does my patriotism mean anything at all? Who is to answer my question to this young “Do you know I am?” kids of the nation who don’t respect their own country and would love to see it divided that united?
 Give me an answer, so that I decide if I should do invest in bettering my country or bettering myself?
Tell me if I can be patriot or selfish to focus on my life alone and not betterment of nation in any way!
Show me more such facts that you want your homes safe, secure and intact and do not bother about your brother who’s dying in dire need of water!!!
Tell me in true sense we are living a life of kalyug and there is nothing satya about it!!!
Let me decide if I need friends with same cause or not!!!!!!!!!!!
Before you do- please don’t forget names like MK Gandhi, Shastri, Vivekanand, Subhash C Bose, CV Raman, Vishweshwarayya etc who contributed to this nation as a whole and not individual part of their belonging!!!
They were all what they were or the nation not because of the nation… Like they said and we believe “BE THE CHANGE You WANT TO SEE” don’t change for someone else..

An Indian