25 Jan 2017

Who am I?

Being human is mostly filled with dilemma- whether to say or not say, do or not do, good or bad etc. It’s their conscious mind that is constantly engaged with the disturbing lifestyle, burdening one’s own mind, body and soul. Naively, we’ve been withdrawn into technology, innovations and many such advancements in various fields of existence, that we have lost to understand the real purpose of life. We have been continuously adding burden onto our soul. We have been directed towards living normal life in a stressful way. One might relate to this message with this example: Say you wanted to become a painter, but you are a Chartered Accountant. You wanted to become Pilot, but became an Architect. How acceptable is it? Funny, isn’t it? But, this is the life you we living, burdened, stressed, exhausted, meaningless at times and senseless mostly. Because we chose not to question our conscious mind of conscious acts. Our present wouldn’t have been the same if we had the ability to question at the right moment. Perhaps! we choose a better destination than the one that we are driving towards now. Well, is there anything that we could do about yesterday? Perhaps not!?
Now that we have understood how to question ourselves by introspecting reversely (Intuitive Thinking), lets shift gears to questioning the future. What do we have in the box- “Future”? How do we understand what we have in “Future” box for tomorrow?
This is time when it is important to apply Intuitive Thinking. It makes it easier to understand the future. It is also indeed the first step towards finding the source of our existence and many other deeper questions.
For such deep understanding of Life, one should be ready to activate the sub-conscious mind. Our subconscious mind works wonders once it is activated.
To activate Sub-conscious mind and to create space within us for something superior as energy we must start by accepting ourselves the way we are, by letting ourselves free to natures will. This will develop silence in mind and create space by removing negativity. Slowly we will start becoming patient, calm and composed, with much more determination and focus on our goals. The hardest part of such inner transition is the way one can conquer the evil emotions like anger, ego, pride, arrogance and exhibition of false power; as we conquer these evil emotions we will start realizing the fact that there is nothing concrete achieved yet, there is more to life and we want to access it. This is moment of your life, when all the other body parts, invisible to human eye starts to function. You mind starts to command from the back, your body starts to receive signals from Chakras- the charging agents in our body, your brain is the university revealing itself totally with knowledge to various aspects of life, perception, intuition and many other karmic acts. This is basic necessity for us to start looking at future and living the way life is meant to live. This is our path- from decision to destination. This is when You start discovering the real you.
Simple Exercise: imagine that we are currently driving a car. We are on a road that leads a long way we are unaware of, we will be driving the car in a few moments after carefully thinking and analyzing our present self and future destination. We have the steering in our hands and the wherewithal for the journey. Let’s plan. (Start Intuitive Thinking).
Where do go? (What you wish to be?)
What’s the best way forward? (Learn, unlearn and apply knowledge)
Look right or left to decide, or do we blindly continue the same path (Decide).
Are we looking at a pleasant trip or a troubled road? (Better life or Regular Life).
Does the map read red signals of dangers or does it show us green signal of happiness? (Setting expectations about the journey).
What do we need? (Chose a Peaceful destination or complex living). 
What’s that we are looking forward to in life? Peace of mind, Happiness in our relationships and in our families, money enough to live a life relieved of troubles and other cumbersome. What is that one thing we like to live with and die for? These Questions, lead us to our destination. Most of these questions revolve around you and your desires.
The answers you know, are within us. If you could think along and answer these questions, then you are prepared to practice other techniques for peaceful life.
YOU ARE WHAT YOU WANT TO BE, understand your TATTVAM- Soul Speaking!? Is all you have to do
I am ME,  at all situations and in all aspects of my life. My decision (as a writer) is to speak to soul (s) and destination is to ensure you will learn the art of questioning, learn better ways to find answers, learn to remove troubles from your lives, learn to attract money, prosperity and happiness, learn the truth behind relationships and make many such relationships in the future which will enhance your personality and lifestyle. My destination is elevating your soul to higher plane. My ultimate destination will be to energize you so much that you create an aura that illuminates from within you, brilliance in you which shall lighten up everyone around.
Do I now have you with me? Have you decided your destination? Can you picture it? Are we ready to move on?
But do remember I am only guiding you to your destination, and you will decide for your life. You will, from now on apply Intuitive Thinking as you drive along the path to seek answers to “Who you are?”.

21 Jan 2017

Today- A Chaotic Life

To speak to a soul is an art form that few are born with and many learn it over a period. But do we have the wherewithal to understand what is the meaning of life, what is a soul and what’s the right way to communicate with each other? Most of our lives today are lost in the midst of work, lifestyle and stress.
Superficial Life- Unfortunately, we are living our “Today” moment. ‘Today’, is all the reason we have, to question and to find answers for. Basically, we have taken it for granted that we are alive and we will continue to live in the same manner for many tomorrows to come. We are questioning things related to life between birth and death. This “Today” is our case study and we are busy solving this case. We have never asked the essence of today and our presence for tomorrow.  But, there are times when we come across situations in our ‘today’s life’, where the fundamentals of our existence are questioned, it is then we realize we are away from reality, the truth behind out existence and the purpose of our living. It is then we seek answers, from outsiders, from mentors and from strangers too. Obviously, very ignorant to the fact that, all our questions will be answered from within us.
Nevertheless, the truth is, we do seek answers- every time!
The only cent per cent involvement that we see and hear of is getting hooked onto the gadgets. True that it is a new age skill to be knowing the usage of the gadget and its applications. But does that any good apart for social chit-chat and mere gossip? To this extent, that our lives are governed by unknown people on social media, stranger’s entry into our lives and many other heinous stories that we all read in newspapers every day. 
To socialize is fun and frolic. And it has been so, for as long as man existed, it is part of our co-existence and community living. We all love to socialize, we must continue to do so. But one must understand the need for it and other ways too, to engage in socializing activities. Let’s me give you are simple example, back then in the yester years, ladies would socialize at friend’s place who would love taking their hobby to next levels through socializing. From music, dance, knitting to chess etc they would socialize to educate fellow friend or neighbor. Men would love to meet every evening after their work and discuss various matters that would help them meet their family needs and cater to their safety, happiness and welfare. They would all celebrate every occasion as one family sometimes and hence they had great values passed on to next generation. This is positive socializing. Educative, engaging, entertaining, humorous, and not the least bringing value into lives.
Today, people have nothing less than 5 whatsapp groups talking on various subjects, atleast 4 work professionals, minimum 2 family groups and not the least 2 large friends group; this is just one of the many social platforms, then we have facebook & its pages, then we have Twitter and our followers and then Instagram for the photoholics (as I call) and many other platforms that might not be of use to me but yes for many of YOU readers who likes to be digitally omnipresent.
The fun being on social media is undeniable, however what I counter these days are the strangers in my friends list who leave my inbox full of questions meant for me to answer. Questions related to relationships- love, marriage, family pressure etc that they are not happy about, then we have questions related to poor financial status and the burdens of it, I also counter questions on unhappy career or disappointed choices in career. They all sound same to me but coming from different people. They are all people who have inhibitions talking to known circles. Looking for answers from outsiders and oblivion to the fact that these negativities are driving them away from reality of life. Over a period, I have come to this understanding that most of these young minds who are questioning me are in their growing up years and they are clueless about their life and future. We all have these common traits perhaps, that we can’t accept anything coming from anyone in the form of correction or feedback.
I know this set of people who have this attitude in them “I just like it my way”. True to the statement, that no one is in-charge of your life, but this is correct only when you know you have a goal reach and the destined path is clear. Then I have another set of people who constantly victimize themselves on the grounds of relationship and family virtues. Well, it is not wrong to be thinking about the repute of your relationship or family; however, it is also very important that you value yourself first.
Both these sets of people are not wrong in their philosophies, but their main problem is that they have not understood the essence of life, living, relationship, family etc; and most importantly Self. The reality is far from what we see. The truth is always hidden behind in the puzzles of life. The fact becomes fiction and the Fiction becomes fact if one can only commit to understanding the Essence of the matter and not the matter itself.
Our first and foremost step towards revealing the truth of our lives, will be to accept that there is more to oneself than just the name that they carry or surname that they wish to carry on. Then there is faith that must be instilled into each one of us that there is always someone or something who will bring the light into our lives. There is energy that we can see that works in and out of us, transforming the weak to strong and vice-a-verse. And then there is soul that needs to communicate with you to bring the change you seek and success you desire. By believing in the factors mentioned above and own inner strength, one can begin the journey to desired destination. Remove the barriers and lead a smooth path till achievement.
To all my readers, I’d like to say, start the journey towards finding the truth to unveil your path to success today. Let us cherish the sweetness of life throughout our lifetime and let there be peace prevailing around us at all times.
There are few steps to begin with, which I shall introduce you in the following chapters of this book. Starting from “Understanding Tattvam” all the way to “Art of Soul Speaking”.

19 Jan 2017

An Expression

Of all expressions- smile, cry, laugh, sick etc, we know that exists in our whatsapp messenger, FB chat and many other social media platforms, the latest expression to be accepted and added “!?” which usually meant that the person is confused about the conversation. The receiver of such expression doesn’t know if it meant doubt or a question or a vague or rhetorical statement. Over a period of time, detailed research was conducted by lexicographers on social media’s emojis and their usage in sentences. The researchers were convinced that this will be one of the new additions into messaging language.
According to me, in layman’s language it meant that it is an expression of “surprise / doubt” or a “rhetorical question with vague answers”, but certainly a statement. Hence most of my recent writings have an extensive usage of this expression, including the tagline of this book. This just gave me the freedom to talk, enquire and seek for more information regarding the subject I was already involved in. And everyone around me comfortably shared their knowledge.
When I first learnt about it, I started mulling over this expression for long and realized that most of us have been using it in our heads for ages, though it existed for many years and I understood it so late. My memory went back to days when I used to question my father on various topics as a little kid. The farthest I could go was when I asked him during our yearly prayers to dead souls. The situation is simple; most of us in India do follow this “Prayers to the dead soul’s day”. There is a day in everyone’s calendar at home, marked by family other than calendar holidays  which was meant that, it is the day we are on special off from work  to pray for the deal souls and seek their blessings. When it was my first experience, I could recall, I asked my father during the prayers, “if granny is dead how can she bless us and if she is already blessing how can she be dead?!”. My dad just said- some questions are answered by time, you will understand as you grow. Maybe even he wasn’t aware or maybe he never thought like I did, but he did have this “interrobanged” expression on his face.
There is this continuous thought that comes to me whenever I think of topics that are abstract in nature. The most fundamental being who is God? To the most fundamentally–complex in my head question- what was my previous birth? And then mid-life scenario type questions, -Is this Karma? Perplexed however, this subject continued to create curiosity but never died. I think life is as ‘simply complex’ in nature, as this "!?” a punctuation mark is. The most convincingly related quote to this fundamentally complex questioning, that I remember is- Man is a complex being: he makes deserts bloom and lakes die” By- Gilbert Scott Heron- the author of famous novels- The Vulture & The Nigger Factory in the 70s’.
The first part- ‘Man is a complex being’ is more gripping to me, though the entire sentence when read carefully can also mean to expressed ‘how fast man is progressing in scientific innovation and technological advancements’. But, according to my understanding, this small statement elaborates the behavioral, emotional characteristic and other factors that are complex in human being. On contrary, the fact is human anatomy is simpler to understand. Maybe the reason is that we, the so called social animals- are exposed to a complex and rigid web of rituals, traditions, lifestyles, and other social norms consciously. We are loaded with complicated lifestyles and societal norms before we could understand the rules of the game called “Life”. Such dangerous (I mean it) exposure leaves us stranded in an “!?” situation.
So was I, just living such life caught in a web of “life on earth” for way too long, till I managed to gather courage to pronounce that ‘let my life chose its own way and by its own means’? Not that everyone was happy with it, but I had no right over others emotions or thoughts that can be controlled or tuned as per my wish. Isn’t it? By doing so I discovered one more thing, that my choice might have left a few of my friends with an interrobanged expression on their faces too.
That still doesn’t answer anyone, what do I do?
In search of answers to my fundamental question I have solo travelled a long way, meeting various people who have given me insight on Life in their perspective. So many souls who did not know who I was or what I was doing with them started taking to me letting their knowledge free flow for my better life. Today, I have started giving it back to many souls in my own way through “Soul Speaking”!?
The recent counter across the table was in Delhi, when I met Mrs. Seema Singal. People called her “God’s Angel”. It took me a while to understand the difference in me and her as angels. In my head, everyone was an angel whether it was god sent or manmade. In any case, we met and spoke for hours during our first 2 weeks and took me that long to understand the magic in her words and in her healing touch. Her favorite word all through was “Tattvam” as supposed to mine which was “Soul Speaking” not too far from what she understood of “Tattvam”. That’s when we came together to resolve many souls from conflicting thoughts and drive them towards “Living Soulful Life”. I would interact with everyone on matters as abstract as is the subject itself, and she would treat them holistically curing them from various issues. Our agenda then became let’s make believe everyone on their own power. Our energies together were working wonders day in and out, till we created this little manuscript under the name “Tattvam- Soul Speaking!?”
So, if you are sitting in your cozy corner at your home with this book reading it with “!?” in your head, then you are getting into the right zone. To question and to find answers out of curiosity has always been the first step of a good soul, people call it introspection but I say, it’s the key to open the door of knowledge and wisdom. This expression might be bothering but this is the one that connects you to me.
An Expression that never means it’s ‘The End’.