11 Aug 2017

Patriotism! should it be left to individual choice or should it be forced upon?

Patriotism! should it be left to individual choice or should it be forced upon?

Well, the topic seems pretty clear, but as usual when one sits to discuss, it becomes a debate and invariably leads into argument. Whether its Arnab's- nation wants to know or Sarah's We the people or any other platform chosen to public discussions. 

My intention of writing this was not at all intended to pun on the discussion versus debate. My intention is to focus on the topic, chosen for discussion. Let me not mention when and where, because now it has become immaterial as to which platform influenced me to write these few lines, what matters really is, why haven’t we been able to understand Patriotism in so many years or has patriotism as a word diluted its really meaning in the past 7 decades of independence and many decades of fighting for the freedom of the nation, by the nationals? In the panel were very well-known dignitaries from various spheres of life and streams of businesses in general. All dignitaries well known for their great contribution in their profession and commend impeccable knowledge in their area of interest. However, what happened really was, except for a couple all the others were getting digressed by various current topics that was or had nothing to do w.r.t the topic for discussion and were misleading patriotism to nationalism. time and again there were pointers from different corners also talking about anti-nationalist, leftist, nationalist, right wing & left wing etc... to an extent of asking why are only Jawans considered as great sacrifices and not others and another level of political influence in forcing patriotism into civilians. 

Isn’t it just a matter of upbringing, level of education, honesty to motherland and devotion towards the provider, that will impart the knowledge required to build patriotism in one's life? Why should it always be a Jawan's father who taught him the importance of protecting our land from the enemies? Why is it that a police officer's son always talks about protecting the civilians from internal terrorism? Why is it that a politician's son is always taught the power of power? What happened to all those people of this country who once formed core groups to fight internal evils of the society, who stood up in groups to reform the nation against governing bodies, who marched shore to shore to bring unity in the nation? What happened to all those media houses, who played songs of valour, narrated story of a leader and wrote encrypted messages to ensure a certain mission is successful by unity, integrity and brotherhood? What has happened to all those politicians who once formed parties majorly to win a position of power to bring-in a change in progressive direction and not misuse the power? What has happened to our oppositions who checked every act for correctness in implementing a certain rule or passing a certain bill that is in favour of the nation? 

That having touched our past, let us see our current- What has happened to students? Why are they averse to singing our national anthem or regional patriotic song? Haven’t our parents been trained well enough to transfer the knowledge from past to their next generation? Should it be left to a little kid to decide if he/she like the music, so that they sing or not as per they choice? Have you ever wondered, is there any other place other than passport office where they question you during your immigration, if you will come back to serve the country? While there are still other nations, who in actual terms force patriotism, by rule that every individual should be part of military- We in India are still free to choose our profession! Isn’t this enough to feel the freedom our leaders fought for? Is it just a history to refer and get through exams? Isn’t it important to get your adrenaline soaring when you hear the borders in danger or girls unsafe at borders or brother's being murdered on wrong accusation? Are you waiting for nuclear war to feel patriotism? 

Common people, lets wake up to reality, wake up towards progressive young nation, than just question our limitations on freedom. Time to refer to the past and apply positive change to build this nation. Time to use all the knowledge, resource, technology, power, influence etc etc... in earning your freedom of choice and moment of pride.

I dont shy away from saying- Jai Hind! or Vande Mataram! OR Mera Bharat Mahan!!

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