14 Feb 2009

GUESS------ :)

A fresh day in a new city--- guess.........
guessssss....... guess........

MUMBAI- Meri Jaan

Just stepped in--- after 2 visits... with all confidence that i can survive, like every other person who is helpless, homeless, but not hopeless.... in this city. hehe.

Every day we have something new in our live, which eventually as humans we forget, we jsut live routine life. We forget that god gifts us everyday a new day, new morning, new sunshine and we are getting used to gifts so much so that it has become common. Today i feel god just not gifts a day, he gifts new life everyday. He gifts new energy, new thoughts, his gift is always unique, always uncomparable, amazing and desirable.

Today to begin this day in this city is gods gift, he has granted this day to start my new life, i wanna try this day and look forward to acchive many new things from here, this city, which is known for making fortunes, knows for changing lifes, life styles... let me try this as well... amonst all the trials this is the most risky trial... but very interesting and passionate ones.

All The Best- SHAKS ////// Oops- Mahi :)

1 comment:

  1. Shaks,

    Its great that now you are in a city as you which makes fortune of people, keep us posted about the ups and down in your life by writing in your blog.

    Remember three P's of success Practice, Practice, and Practice!
